There is buying in silver even at the price of ₹ 1 lakh. Sales are expected to increase by 20% from last year. Silver prices may reach ₹ 1.25 lakh: Manoj Mandoth, Owner, Shri Mandoth Jewelers,
There is buying in silver even at the price of ₹ 1 lakh. Sales are expected to increase by 20% from last year. Silver prices may reach ₹ 1.25 lakh: Manoj Mandoth, Owner, Shri Mandoth Jewelers,
There is buying in silver even at the price of ₹ 1 lakh. Sales are expected to increase by 20% from last year. Silver prices may reach ₹ 1.25 lakh: Manoj Mandoth, Owner, Shri Mandoth Jewelers, He said that right now it may be 1.25 lakh or rather 1 lakh, so still the sale of silver is quite good and is not decreasing. Anyway, the sale of silver is going on well due to Chhath Diwali. There is a possibility of increase in prices after saying this.